Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rats: dirty pests or clean pets?

Rats have been getting a bad rap for eons of time. For example, what do we call a dirty liar? Thats right, a rat. And isn't "ratting someone out a synonym for tattling on somebody? I am here to prove a few points and bust some myths told by people who are woefully ignorant. If you say that rats are dirty and unclean, you have just never watched a rat licking its pelt every few minutes, cleaning itsself just like your favorite animals: cats. I have seen my pet rats  my pet rats, Laura and Kusa being their "little lady' selves, washing and brushing their fur as if they were little fashionistas! Another great myth about my furry little friends is that rats "brought the Black Death to Europe". It wasn't the rats that brought the Black Death, it was the fleas on the rats! The fleas that were taking rides on a rats pelt gave the rat the disease, and when the rat died, the fleas found a new host: either a rat or a human.
   The reason I'm a rat fanatic is that rats are very curious and loving. Does your cat care about what that shirt on the floor smells like? Will a cat carefully investigate the shirt and find out where you bought it, when did you last wear it, and what you had for lunch? A young rat is like a little child: curious about everything they see.

                         Next blog will be another small pet arcticle, but a different pet is featured every time I post!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Gym Locker Thief

In the girls locker room of my middle school, there is a mystery that remains yet unsolved.
I have heard about how a girl who left her gym clothes in a locker without a lock on it, only to find that it was gone on the next day! I am suspecting that it is a group of eighth graders "playing jokes" on all of the new sixth graders. I wish to publicaly ask them to stop, because who would like their clothing stolen? As some advice, I would ask people to only leave their gym clothes in their gym locker!  Lets hope that the criminals are caught before they steal any thing else.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Evidence of Owls Near Lincoln Elementary School

   First of all, I want to give a big "hip hip horray" to Zachary, blogger of the week in my middle school and also one of my best friends. To let you all know, im new to blogging, and this first post may not be as good as some others.

   For any of you who live in Edison, I believe there's an owl in that area. The first sighn that told me of an owl here was a dead mouse ( poor little creature) that I found while walking. As I looked at the tiny little corpse, I saw that it had been pierced by large talons, possibly those of an owl. That night, I heard owl hoots in the distance, but the next night, it was back to normal again. Maybe the owl was just passing through. I just wish that it could have stayed here longer, because I wanted to try and find it. I wonder if the owl was migrating, or why would it be going here?