Today, when I went into my backyard, my day started off with a nut hitting me on the head. I looked at the nut and found that half of it had been bitten off, so I looked up. As soon as I looked into the trees of our yard, I saw squirells which were throwing down nuts like crazy, and birds who were flying from tree to tree, branch to branch. In fall, squirells go into food gathering overdrive as they prepare for winter, so don't be surprised to come outside and find a bunch of half-chewed nuts falling on your head. The squirells must store the good nuts and throw down the bad nuts in hope that theyll grow into trees,
Now the birds, they go crazy in fall! As soon as it's October, the male blackbirds start their mating displays up in the trees, hoping that a female will be impressed. Impressing a female is hard for a blackbird, because the girls will spend hours choosing, by which time most of the males will have given up.
Do you have interesting displays of real animal incstincts in your backyard? Send an Email to me about it and your arcticle will be posted here! Just remember to tell me your first name only so you and only you will get credit! My Email adress is
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