Thursday, March 17, 2011

Looking Back On My Commercial

   Recently, I had to work in  group to create and act out a commercial in my English class. After I reflected on the commercial, I noticed a lot of things.
   I did a commercial for Iphones with Wamia and Hadia, and the first thing I noticed was that we were all a little shaky and nervous. The commercial didn't flow as good as we wanted it to, because we improvising most of the script. Wamia had written a script, but when we acted it out, it turned out to be very long, so the script was dropped. I wish we had enough time to edit the script in class, because then we would have learned our lines and known what to say and when to say it.
    I also would want to change the place we acted it out. We recorded the commercial in the hallway, and when we were finished with our first try, we had just started our second take before the bell rang and cut us off. I was unhappy that we wouldn,t get a second chance, because the first try was a little shaky, but on the second try we could improve.
   One thing that I liked about the commercial was that everyone got an equal part, nobody spoke more than somebody else. I think that Wamia got the smallest part, but that was balanced because Wamia worked on the script more than Hadia and I did. I also liked that we found a way to combine all of our products into one. Hadia and Wamia were doing the Smartphone and Iphone, so we combined them to make the Ismart phone, and we made the company Reunited Dumplings, because that was the company I used  to advertise Pet Chubs.
 Overall, I thought our phone commercial was good, and I was happy that a little bit of comedy was added (after I "saw the Iphone for the first time", Hadia and I resorted to a tug of war match with the phone while Wamia was talking about how great the Ismart phone was in the foregreound). I just hope I get to make comercials for English class in the future, because I had a lot of fun making the phone commercial.


  1. Good job, Alisa. I liked how you explained the flaws and high points of your commercial. You also said how each group member got an equal part. I want to film another commercial in english class, too! One way to improve this blog post is by fixing a spelling mistake I saw. Overall, this was a great post.

  2. Nice job Alisa. You did a good job. There were a few grammar mistakes such as when you said "The commercial didn't flow as good as we wanted it to." Good should be well. You guys did a nice job, and you did a nice job writing what you could do better on the commercial. Great job.

  3. Nice post, Alisa. This was a great way to explain the process of the commercial, and how you enjoyed it. Although there were some spelling and grammar mistakes. Then I also noticed your'e my biggest critic on these. I am not saying that I am a grammar and spelling mastermind, but just reminding you, sometimes you also make these mistakes.However, good post Alisa.
